Author: admin

  • Meet Your Match in Marketing (Video)

    Meeting your match in marketing is one of the best feelings! It’s every business’s goal to match products / services with someone looking for what you offer. Without the Right Marketing, You Can Be the Best and Never Make A Sale There are tons of people online looking for businesses that do what you do,but…

  • Responsive Adventure

    Your browser does not support HTML5 video.Your browser does not support HTML5 video. Play/Pause Get Your Adventure Continue Without One

  • Adventure Demo – Continued 2

    Your browser does not support HTML5 video.Your browser does not support HTML5 video. Play/Pause Schedule Consultation Learn More

  • Adventure Demo – Continued

    Your browser does not support HTML5 video.Your browser does not support HTML5 video. Play/Pause You Got Fired! Learn More

  • Adventure Demo

    Your browser does not support HTML5 video.Your browser does not support HTML5 video. Play/Pause Get Your Adventure Continue Without One

  • CSS Animation

    Logo Bouncing Animation

  • Part 4 of Halloween in Turnbull

    (Majority Voted B Run Towards the Foe) After starting a fire and leaving it behind, you decide your best bet is to take your chances with the foe hiding just within sight. Not your best move. You died. Last: Part 3 of Halloween in Turnbull

  • Part 3 of Halloween in Turnbull

    (Majority Voted A Light something on fire) After picking up a lighter you found near a jack o’ lantern, you use it to set a plant on fire. Hopefully that will attract some attention and help you get home sooner, you think.  Unfortunately the plant you lit on fire was so dry it causes the…

  • Part 2 of Halloween in Turnbull

    (Majority voted C in part 1) You’re alone but there appears to be another hiker approaching on the trail. You walk further ahead after picking up the lighter beside you. The shiny object you ignored was a necklace of some sort. It looked expensive. For some reason, you can’t help feel like you’re being watched…

  • Halloween in Turnbull

    It’s the night before Halloween. You and your pals started the day off hiking in the hills but your friends got called home and had to abandon you. You continue a bit further on your hike and watch the sunset. Now you’re starting on your journey back home. Night came more quickly than you expected.…